Ethan Chiu My personal blog

Favorite Sayings

Favorite Sayings

Work and life is full of ups and downs - your loved one(s) might get sick, you can get sick, someone might treat you poorly at work, etc.

Here are some phrases that I like to repeat and remind myself every day that helps me with these ups and downs:

  • “do good work and good things will happen” - this phrase helps me remember that hard, honest work will pay off long term even if you don’t see the “payoff” till much later.
  • “short term pain, long term gain” - this phrase helps me in the context of dealing with illness, stress, or personal matters. Every failure and difficulty will strengthen you as a person.
  • “this person is mean but they are also human and they can grow.” Throughout my career, I’ve dealt with some mean and rude people who lack control over their anger. The best way to confront and change this behavior is to stand firm and push back with kindness and constructive feedback.
  • “be kind” - this phrase has helped me when dealing with situations where I have to effectively communicate quickly with other stressed-out individuals (cross-team SEV-2s, short deadlines, etc.) I define kindess as always telling the truth, being honest, and always communicating through the lens of empathy.